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2023. Quarter one and the start of a new year, a new diary, and a new review!

We left quarter four of 2022 with a lot of client meetings and projects scheduled for the New Year, which means filling out a new diary and organising client work has never felt so satisfying or exciting.

We haven’t set specific New Year Resolutions this year at Arkay, but we have set a few `reminders` to help keep us on the right path.

Continuing to provide:

  • Tailored digital development solutions to clients.
  • A comprehensive website offer that incorporates a range of services.
  • Innovation, creativity, and fun in every project.

What we’ve been up to so far

We’ve been continuing our work with Positive, focusing on a larger project of reworking and redesigning their online platform and moving the product offering for their corporate clients forward with the Positive team. This is an extensive and exciting project, and I look forward to updating you with further information in due course.

We’ve also, this quarter, eventually got around to updating the Arkay Services pages online! Hooray, I hear you shout!

Our full range of services is now available on our website and includes:

Website Hosting – from standard to bespoke hosting solutions; if you’re looking to move to a more secure, UK-based, cost-effective hosting provider, call us today.

Website Design and Development – providing you with high-performing, intuitive, responsive, and user-friendly websites designed around your business requirements.

App Development – supporting you in delivering exceptional customer experiences, our app development provides you with further opportunities for people to access your business.

We’ve also kick-started 2023 by working with and adding to our existing clients on their hosting and maintenance support packages. This is an important area for us, as we want to build solid relationships with clients so we can better understand your requirements and how development can help you further.

Website maintenance and support is an essential service for many businesses as it helps to keep sites up to date, on top of cyber security, functioning well, and performing as they should be – remember, the user experience is everything when it comes to being online.

Up and Coming

As we move into quarter 2 and ahead of our next review, we’re excited to be re-engaging with USW and their student projects for this year. This will be going live shortly – watch this space for further information.

We’re also continuing our work with our existing retainer clients, monitoring website performance, updating security elements, and for some, adding additional features.

We also have new clients who have moved their hosting to Arkay and are now reaping the benefits of a more cost-effective and tailored solution with developers on hand when needed.

Moving on…

2023 seems to be whizzing by, and we’re excited to work on many creative digital projects and developments.

It won’t be long until our quarter 2 review!

To book your place in the Arkay diary, contact us today and make 2023 the year to boost your online visibility, grow your business opportunities, and secure your website’s security.